Phasmophobia Horror




Of all supernatural creatures, the scariest are probably ghosts. They have no bodies, no flesh. They can pass through walls and attack you unexpectedly. And when you want to hit them back, they just vanish in the air. To battle against an angry spirit, you need special knowledge of these beings and special type of equipment. Luckily, the characters of Phasmophobia happen to have it!

In this game, players will cooperate in a team of four to take on the role of researchers studying all sorts of paranormal activities. Using cameras, ultraviolet lamps, walkie-talkies and other devices, players need to find not only the lair where the spirit is hiding, but also, along the way, deal with its type. Why is it necessary to clarify the type of spirit, you ask? A large number of supernatural beings can be found in the game: Poltergeists, Shadows, Demons, Oni, Banshees and many other creatures. The main goal of the players is to take a snapshot of the spirit in order to receive a bonus for the evidence provided. At the same time, players do not need to try to catch the spirit or expel it to another world – users act only as scouts.

The gameplay of Phasmophobia, roughly speaking, boils down to a kind of ritual: you need to find, identify, take a photo and get out of the house. First, you need to install cameras in the den (the room can change – the main thing is a high level of paranormal activity or a low temperature), after which you need to monitor the cameras while sitting inside the van. In the next visit, you already need to use additional tools to determine the type of spirit. As you can see, the actions are all consistent and constant monitoring is required everywhere.

The spirit class in Phasmophobia is determined based on the three key clues presented in the list. And it includes: low temperature, level of abnormal activity, prints, conversations, letters and much more. The evidence found must be logged, and it narrows the search every time. However, absolutely every evil in the game has three distinctive features, sometimes some details are repeated, but not completely. For example, Demons always lower the temperature, speak on a walkie-talkie and write in books, so if at least something does not match, then it is definitely not a Demon. Learn more about the differences between various ghost types and how to struggle with them playing Phasmophobia online!

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